Slut City Skating is going for Round # 2 of the Film/Edit Video Contest.
The tables have turned, seasons changed, and we are giving SLUT a second chance! Last time around the streets weren't dry, while video submissions were. Now, at the beginning of a fresh Spring season, there are more kids out shredding than there ever have been before! Lets keep these numbers high and set the bar even higher by capturing it all. Represent you and your crew in style. Get a camera, grab your skate, and LURK this warm weather.
Contest rules:
~Only 1 (one) contestant per video.
~Featured riders must be wearing helmets.
~At least 1 (one) 'FBGM Slut City Skating' sticker must be applied to public/private property. (Contact Jake Wilkinson for stickers) ~Video length must be at least 1min and 20 seconds, but no longer than 2 minutes and 10seconds.
~Contestant's name and 'Salt Lurk City/SLUT' must included in video title.
~Video must be posted on SlutCitySkating's FaceBook page by 11:59pm Saturday, March 31st.
Very special prizes will be awarded to contest winners. Prizes will not be announced and will be kept secret until all videos have been submitted. Questions on this matter will not be tolerated. For any other questions, contact Micah Green.
A Puddle Of Steeze
Thank you Ben Syphus for not blowing it, and getting your video submitted by the original set date!