- Riders gathering at the bottom of the run
Knox Heslop photo
- Ek showing off his very creepy costume to JP
Val Douroux photo
- A couple of goons cheating their way up the hill
(Knox Heslop Photo)
- Officer Dick showed up at the race, with a warrant to kick some ass
(Knox Heslop Photo)
Once all the riders made the trek to the top of the hill, it was time to get some intense racing underway.
- Ryan "The Deer Hunter" Vitale hunting down his competition (Knox Heslop photo)
- Ian Richter rolling quick through the leaves (Val Douroux photo)
- 3RING holding down through the rough pavement (Val Douroux photo)
- Girls can race too!
- Dillon going fast at his first race
(Val Douroux photo)
- The rough pavement and potholes made for some low speed sketchiness (Knox Heslop photo)
- Finals with a one push limit off the start line
(Val Douroux photo)
- Michal "Shred Gnar" leading the pack towards the finish line (Knox Heslop photo)
- Michal "Shred Gnar" took first place, with SL,UT City Skaters Micah Green in second, and Doug Tolman holding down third (Val Douroux photo)
Once racing was finished, everyone went over to the local slide hill to eat some pizza's and get our jam on while I took pictures