Friday, 10 – Sunday, 12
@ the Excalibur Hotel and Casino Pool deck @ the 3 Ring Cabana. Come there to sign up and get details on all the contest info and areas.

Anyone who knows anything about the dirty, slippery style of skating SLUT knows about the forgers and riders of 3 Ring Longboards. Many companies have come and gone through this city in hopes of selling their miraculous skateboard products that’ll cure all bad ailments. None other than 3 Ring Longboards was able to sell anything true or real, and that was Skateboarding. To shred a day with them means that you are going be to shredding some excellent rad-gnarnar. It doesn’t matter what it is, 3 Ring means that you can skate it. If you have wheels that’ll roll, trucks that’ll turn, and a deck to hold it all together, then you’re riding 3 Ring Style. It is then the rider’s choice to skate and enjoy.
Nick Adams slaying a secret spot
Drew Bolls slipping around with some 3 Ring style
Nick Adams hittin' the same spot and high five-ing the haters who disagree
Ty Anderson laying it down for the fools on Legacy Bridge
Jacob ‘Smash’ Gearlings, a true original THRANGER
It’s been said that once a rider has reached 3 Ring Ninja status, you begin to see terrain in the same psychedelic manner as the amazing artwork depicted on all 3 Ring products.
3 Ring Longboards has been around since the early beginning days of SLUT City Skating. Some real OG's, DAWG.
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